Thread Topic: br0wnie
i’ve always been super interested in england’s history, especially Elizabethan and Victorian society
i also thought of an rp based on such a society but i don’t wanna flood the first page
that’s a good choice lol -
Victorian Era Englad has always seemed fascinating!
An RP would be interesting! What would it be about? -
there would almost certainly be a ball
also just the drama and nuances of high class English society, maybe keep it going for a while shifting in different situations idk -
if there’s at least 4 players in this rp that would make it ideal for me personally
Kind of like Bridgerton?
(I hope I spelled that right) -
oh yesss idk about you but I loved Bridgerton, as dramatic as it was
I loved it too!!
I was talking to a co-worker about it the other day!
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