Thread Topic: br0wnie
i need to go to the dollar store tomorrow evening. i should have done it while i was out today but i didn't think about it
i also need to get an oil change tuesday. maybe i'll go to the car wash too. then i'll get my axels(??) fixed when i can -
yummy lucky charm cookies
i found them at kroger -
oh nice it's gonna be in the high 50s-early 60s this week
I just wanted to pop in and say I love your music thread in The Ballroom 😭❤
oh thanks! i tried to make it aesthetic, but i just ain't goin through the effort to make all the photos the exact same size lol
I get that though 😂
It looks amazing! ❤ -
i can feel my brain kinda starting to slow down
i think it's time for me to go to sleep
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