Thread Topic: br0wnie
but then with 1x1s the other person really has to pay attention to what you’re saying cause they’re the only one replying. so tbh i feel slightly more pressure to write “well” in 1x1s
that's true- i just feel like i have to rush in group rps, bc everyone wants to reply n stuff-
idk, i just personally like 1x1 rps better -
yeah everyone’s got their taste that’s cool /gen
true yeah u^u
lisa’s album was.. good! not fantastic, but i can see what she’s trying to go for and i think a little more fleshing out with sound/concept and she’s golden
favorite track is FUTW
she had me GAGGED when she said “they say they want the old me, then listen to my old s---” -
i cannot let this artifact be lost to time -
Britney Spears womanizer -
feeling conflicted listening to ke$ha’s old music knowing the circumstances it was made under but it’s f---ing bangin
i will always support victims tho. boycott versions of songs aren’t hard to find -
sorry it’s just Kesha now. kinda looks better that way tho
Britney Spears is an icon ✨
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