Thread Topic: br0wnie
It really is!
I am trying to broaden my horizons to more online multiplayer games that way I can play with friends! -
have you tried phasmophobia? i'm not into horror or gore much but this one i can handle
I have watched others play it, but I haven't played it myself!
It seems like a good game! How do you like it? -
i haven't played in a while i'll be honest, but in my heyday playing it i really enjoyed it! i was just hoping to find a friend or group to try playing it again, as i'm so rusty i'm probably a newbie again lol
it's def better playing in co op with that game
I may give it a shot! It's one that I have been wanting to play!
What consoles do you have? -
i mostly play on pc and a few games on mobile, wbu?
but i think players can still join the game group even cross platform
I play on a PC as well, but I also have a PlayStation and XBox!
Oh, heck yeah! I love cross-platform games!
Do you have any games that are coming out that you are excited for? -
i'm really looking forward to lost records: bloom & rage. it's from the same creators of life is strange and will be releasing later this year! i loved the original life is strange and everything after it so i'm definitely anticipating this game
what about you
nevermind i'm wrong. demo already released i just didn't notice lol
I absolutely love Life is Strange! It was one of the very first games I sat down and played all the way through!
I am excited for The Witcher 4! The trailer came out, and I am super excited for how the game turns out!
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