The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
it feels like such a power move to whip out the dangly earrings it's so fun
It really does!
My favorites are dangly earring, that have an attachable cuff! It feels like it adds to the badassery! -
oh hell yeah that's so cool
I only have a couple dangly earrings since I only wear them for sPeCiaL days but they're super cool
anyways I went on a date todaaaaaay
it was really good, todays been a very nice day -
today was a very good day. I'm exhausted tho lol
ew whyd i wake up early
my body wont let me fall back to sleep rip-
i painted my nails black bc i've missed having painted nails
i love gender bending outfits and accessories tbh
gender is like watercolor paints, it's more fun when you combine the colors and mess around with all the different shades you can use
going to do some homework and then go to bed, I'm exhausted lol
i love it when i look in the mirror and i look like a pinterest boy
my hair is hairing today so i'm in a very good mood lol
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