The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
ikr it's so silly all of this is so wild
my great aunt needs a f---ing therapist lmao -
I'm very happy with how my parents are raising me tbh
they're genuinely so excited to see what my future looks like. It's such a nice contrast to how all my extended family is like "I DONT EVER WANT TO SEE YOU GROW UP YOU NEED TO STAY LITTLE FOREVER"
like no offense to my extended family, I understand not wanting things to change and people to grow up, it's just nice having parents who are raising me for my future, not because they want me to be their little kid forever
i love making fun of my bullies
they were all wearing a black hoodie and blue skinny jeans, and they were trying to make fun of our friend group, so I just looked at them all and went "Why are you all wearing the same outfit? Are you a new boy band?" and then Dex just yelled "I LOVE BOY BANDS" and we started singing One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer
they had the same hairdo too (bleached so much that the hair is dead) like they were literally just copy pasted
No that’s so real
All the bully boys at my school just wear jerseys and shorts (outside of school because we have a uniform ugh) and have the bleached hair mullet with the dark ass roots (either that or a buzz cut) -
help that's so real (imagine having a uniform)
bunger :D -
Bunger :]
earrings make me feel so euphoric like i swear they genderbend the whole outfit
I'm wearing dangly sun ones bc they make me feel like a badass lol
I can confirm that dangly earrings do make you feel badass :3
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