The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
I'm stressing and I'm only going to be a sophomore next year-
help that's so real
my parents have always tried to train me for college and getting scholarships, so at least there's that bit of preparation
like they've pay me 5 bucks for As and A-s but only if I get a 3.5 GPA or higher because that's typically the GPA that colleges offer full scholarships to since I was a 6th grader -
*they've paid
and if I get a B- or below I have to pay THEM 5 bucks. It's a weird system, but it's a good motivator to get good grades lol -
it's finally nice outside so me and Miguire went over to the reservoir and went exploring in the forest next to it while s--- talking about kids in our school lol
and I got a 98% on my bio test bc I'm just so cool like that
I'm still so mad about that 85% in AP Geography. I know that's a good score, but I just feel like I could've done better -
especially since the kids in my class that I helped tutor on the subject and homework got 90s on it, like I literally taught you how to study for this test how did I do worse than you? like I'm glad you got a good score but huh?
back on the grades thing, my parents do the same thing but since I'm a little special and behind because I didn't go to a fantastic school, we started where its C's I don't get paid, D's I pay 5 bucks and F's I pay ten.
oh, interesting. After last year my parents were tempted to put me into an online school type situation bc my grades suuuucked, but now they've gotten good enough that my overall GPA is a 3.84
anyways I'm gonna hit the hay, gnnnn
Theater was really good today
Me and Dex made our theater teacher happy cry bc our girls verses boys broadway performance was so good, which is suuuper funny bc we practiced it ONCE and then just rolled with it -
the only bad thing about it was that my voice got really, really low during the first part of me singing, but that wasn't bad, it was just unexpected
i love making barn quilts they make the artsy side of my brain happy and makes the OCD geometric side of my brain happy too
i have so much AP Geography homework to do over spring break goddamn it
not me and my mom having a rant about religion for 2 hours omg
it was fun tho it was a much needed brain dump
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