The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
I also just love that class in general, it's a lot of work but the subject fascinates me and my teacher is a literal genius and makes it so understandable
f--- i got 3 tests tomorrow
teChnCaLLy 1 quiz and 2 tests bc "iTs nOt a TeSt iF iTs UnDer 100 qUesTioNs"
What is that logic I’ve never had a test with 100 questions-
my biology and ap class have 100 question tests a lot. My biology teacher is the one with who said that lol
i think my bio teacher shortened the quiz to 60 questions tho -
the tests are pretty easy tho, I've never gotten a failing grade on them. The lowest I've ever gotten is a 60 on a geography test, which obviously isn't great, but it's good enough to make me feel good about passing the major AP test
got 85% on the geography test, and I'll get my biology test results tomorrow
not super satisfied with my geography test bc of the perfectionist in me. It's a good score, I just know that I'm capable of doing much, much better
omg dex took me out with a couple other friends to see a local performance of Hadestown and OMG IM OBSESSED
new musical hyperfixation unlocked holy f---ing s--- it's so good
i love the way they interpreted each of the characters. I've known this myth since I was in 2nd grade, but the way they played around with the idea of the underworld and hades and each of the characters motivations tickles my brain. It's all really well thought out and so fun to take apart and analyze piece by piece
I hope I'll be able to go to an out of state college
Like in Washington or the east coast... I don't want to stay where I am forever, and I think college would be the best way to leave, even if it's just for a couple years and then I come back
college stuff
not me stressing about this as if I'm a senior lmao- I've still got a couple years
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