Thread Topic: br0wnie
That's cool that it has a matching feature!
should i just buzz my hair off and wear wigs fr
cause i like how i look with long hair, but i hate how it feels
sameeee but i also hate my natural hair but love it because its curly but i have the hair type that if you dont have a routine it wont work and theres the frizziness and poofiness and each indivual strand is curling and its a nightmare
i think my hair is naturally curly too, but i was never taught how to take care of my hair type properly so i always went with products meant for straight hair like the cheap dollar store shampoo. when it dries it’s super curly on the ends and when i brush it out it frizzes up BAD. idk where to start when it comes to finding out what products to use
I have a co-worker who wears wigs and whenever I found out it wasn't her natural hair I was suprised!
I think either would be good though! -
there are some people who can really pull it off, but i’m not sure if i could
also i think i would almost feel naked without my hair haha -
i like messy buns a lot, takes the feeling off my neck which is what really bothers me
although the freedom of switching between styles and colors when it comes to wigs also sounds appealing
i would dye my hair more often if it didn’t cost so much to go to the salon, and if it wasn’t so much upkeep to maintain the color
i really liked having teal hair -
wondering if i should start putting a tw for my music thread
i’ll post this in it later, but tw i think for mentions of ed -
damn lost of lilyisthatyou’s discography is freaking amazing
she had a little punk moment for a while before she found the sound i think really suits her, which is edm -
DAMN! let’s just pretend liam added that syrup to his lemonade, i forgot i just left off at the part where he left it in the sink LMAOOOO
i realized i’m so bad at proofreading which actually uh, isn’t great if i wanna seriously participate in roleplaying
sorry, i’ll try to do better
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