Time Capsule
Thread Topic: Time Capsule
As of now, all members will be asked to post at least once. The deadline is October 31, 2015.
Well, One thing, I'm nearly 15 and I honestly don't feel like it, I feel older. Also, when this thing gets pulled up I'm sure that I'll look back at me of this time and say that I'm an idiot in the way I do things...Well future me, just remember the fact that I just haven't learned yet what you have. Allee's still around, laying onme right now. Also, After all the hardship we've been through, I'm with Savannah, now. She may be a thousand miles away but it doesn't make it any less real. By now I've been here on GoToQuiz for over a year, and it's amazing I've lasted this long after so many people have come and gone. I just started homeschool and honestly it doesn't seem as fun as when I was a kid. In the last year I've changed rapidly and in many different ways. ..I'm still into making my texture maps, and currently have about 847 hours into Universe Sandbox ^2. In case it no longer does in your time, my blacklight still works. I still only have one poster up, my 3DD poster the originated in Australia. I've been drawing a bit more lately and my last drawing was a redo of all my other protoplanetary dusk drawings. Which reminds me, the majority of what I've been doing in US^2 is making protoplanetary disks. Live long and prosper, future self.
Your past self,
Alek. -
Dear future self,
If you read this you have survived the zombie apocalypse
I am just a 13 year old girl who depends on music to heal me. I am not the best child but I know that I have friends who would do anything to make me happy.
Here's a picture of present me
I'm not great, I'm not special. I am SADE. One who is to emo for this earth. I look at everyone here and I say "I have a awesome family" I think of everyone as family because thru truly feel like one. I know that when I look at this agian I will be married and have a lot of children with Avril lavigne! Everyday I go outside and sits on the outside table because its the only place I can go to get calmed. One name I want to always remember so ill post it here: Carter.
Carter has helped me through a lot and she will always be in my heart, as a sister that is! And a few things about me right now are...
Song- Smile by Avril
Color- black
Jeans- Studded black skinny jeans
That is actually it for now.
This has been a letter for future Kaitlyn by Past Kaitlyn
Dear future self.
God dammit kait stole what I was going to say.
Well your friends hopefully survied the sheep apocalypse .
By this time you're probLly less of a newb ( I doubt it ) 13 years old and still with paige ( you better be future me if not slap yourself right now you naughty girl )
I really hope you're happy ok?
I wI'll remember eveyrone who's helped me on here
To name a few
All of the older users. ( well not all of them just a huge majority )
Baiscly everyone you've ever spoke to .
Remeber you love fall out boy , set it off , get scared , fire flight , three doors down , linkin park , three days grace and green day.
You love Naruto and RWBY
I love everyone
Remeber Youre a sheep.
Accounts you cnat forget
( this one Duh)
Carter the sheep
Reverse Mabel
Fengri silver
And the oerosnlity ones.
Don't forget your kids
Insert sheep pciture here.
Enemy is the chicken
This has been a letter to future crater form Your mom ( totally Kiddng its Santa ( or is it past Carter )
P.S you left the tap on
P.s.s you're meal is burning
P.s.s.s your shoe lace is untied
P.s.s.s.s hah made you look -
Dear future self,
Don't be so hard on yourself and others. I know it's hard to ignore what people say but.. You've just got to learn to accept it. You need to cut it out with all the crap and drama, or else you're going to end up like me, your past self. Be the bubbly, comedic boy that most see you as. Don't be the boy that everyone hates and wants to beat the crap out of. I'm already that boy. I don't want to be him anymore. Love, don't hate, yourself. I know it's hard to get over lily and your depression, but please, please.. Don't let yourself slip back into the darkness that once held you captive. You've lost the trust of others. Don't let that happen anymore or you'll be alone. I do get that sometimes you have placement issues and anger issues, and that certain people are ignorant about it, but like I keep saying, ignore it. It's just you and Nicole against the world. Oh, and be sure to keep that necklace safe. That's the one thing helping keep you-- no, us sane.
P.S. please don't kill yourself.
Your past self -
I honestly doubt I will be here when this capsule is "opened", but I guess I'll say something anyways...
Umm.. I don't really have much to say I guess...
Right now I love listening to bands like Disciple, Flyleaf, and Pillar... I don't know if I will still care for it much in the near future, but we will see..
I umm.. I am rather grateful for this site in ways... I met people I don't know if I could have lived without had I not met then here... this place built a solid social foundation for me and really helped me begin to open up to people irl.... I am also not nearly as dramatic and teenie as I was before hand... idk... I just grew up a lot here and I know if I stay I'll just grow more.
Right now I am currently reading a lot of things.... some of the first things I can think of are Ruby Red, If I Stay, The Problem of Pain, The Maidens Bequest, and I am rereading Pride and Prejudice.
I just got through curling my hair for no reason...
It is beginning to get really cold outside.. I have a mountain of blankets in my bed now..
The leaves are falling and my herbs are dying. I will probably pull in the last of the herbs that ares still good enough to dry in a day or so...
I love you people... that is it.. -
Dear future Jacob,
You currently (the year is 2015 currently) have nothing going on in your life, but that's ok, because you will. You had on account that got hacked, and as a newb, (you aren't a newb anymore, don't worry) were very annoying, but you managed to make quite a bit of friends on here, that are fantastic people. You in the past have had 2 girl friends on here. I know that things seem like s--- at times, but it'll get better. You will find someone right for you if you haven't already. I am not the best writer ever, and I probably won't be in the future. But I want to to keep up everything you are doing. Drawing, YouTube Vlogging, and Go to school for acting or something. Looking at this in the future, you may think "What the f---?" but, hey, like I said, I was never good at writing XD ;).
Yours truly,
Your past self, aka Jacob, aka therealminime -
Dear future self,
Try to be as strong as you can. Your grandfather is probably dead, you are 13 years old and you are probably with Carter. Try to be more mature, calm, and definitely nicer. I bet you are thinking 'Wow I was such a retard back then.' I am pretty damn sure I'll still like DBZ and A7X. Stop thinking about the bad things, and try to be positive. Hopefully you are more forgiving than I am right now. I would like to thank all the older users for calling me annoying, stupid, ect. If you didn't I probably wouldn't be able to take criticism and I would still act like the newb I was. I matured at least a little bit.
Paige from the past. -
Hello, future self.
This is your past self. A very confused, hormonal young lady who doesn't know what she is yet or where her place will be in the world. Of course, this past self is now currently 13 years old, so of course she won't know exactly who she is. In a year, you'll be 14, right? Almost 15? Cool.
I really hope you'll still be into Dangan Ronpa, because boy has that impacted your life.
I want you to keep doing art in the future. Recently I've been improving and I can't wait to see what amazing talent you'll have in a year's time. By 18, you'll probably be astounding.
I don't want you to be so tied down by what your family believes. I want you to be yourself and not care about what they think. I know your parents already sorta know you really don't believe in God, and your possible attraction to girls, but I don't want you to feel ashamed of that. I don't want you to have to hide your true self or be ashamed of who you are because of what other people think, even if it's your family. That doesn't mean you have to turn against them, but liberate yourself just a little bit. Don't let what they believe affect who you are. If God is real, he probably isn't, but if he is, he made you this way on purpose.
I want you to try to get more romantically involved when you know what you want. You're a lonely person and I know you're accustomed to that, but find a lovely partner, whether it be boy or girl or someone non-binary. Two heads are better than one.
Do not allow yourself to be bullied in high school. Stand up for yourself, or ignore it. Being picked on in elementary school was not fun, and you know that. You need to let other people know that you are not one to be messed with. That you are strong. Don't allow yourself to be bullied.
Work harder. Your work ethic isn't high enough. Hard work will get your further in life.
What else?
Oh, um. Grow as a person. Mature. Grow more intelligent, grow more righteous. Don't be as pretentious as you are now. Please. Thank you.
Your past self -
Dear self,
Hello me,Meet the real me. You are of the age 17 at the time to which I am typing this. Life seemingly still the same As before except you're not in school. Hopefully you'd for a job by now. If not, get one! Remember to always remembe and forget. Also remember those who you care for and to try your Damn hardest. Hopefully youre not as shy as I am right now and has gained courage over the year there. Keep strong and keep up now. Ice started a story here as of now and I sure as hell hope you finish it before the year and had fun with it. Maybe even started another. Remember to keep your self in straight and good deals. And not to smile too much now. I have no idea What else to say so I'll end this here.
From yourself of before. -
Also, By now I have over a hundred accounts XD
Andsd Newbie[i] dear future self,
you are 11. anyways, i cant wait to tell you what i want.
i got questions:
- do you still live with fufa still?
- how was 4th?
ok. i heart you. i know its freaky!!! how is 5th????!?!?!?
4th grade Graci -
Hey there future scrub,
If you're still kicking, well uh great job. You're a f---ing weeb and you always will be. Also, grow a damn backbone. You were really bad about never standing up for yourself and letting people use you as doormat. Also, stop getting obsessed so easily. I bet by now you don't even remember what Gravity Falls is.
Oh and stop being clingy, people need their space and you're waaay too obsessive.
You're favorite shows are Steven Universe, Hunter x Hunter, Rick and Morty, Gravity Falls, Inuyasha, and Bones.
Also, the latest pokemon game is Pokemon Go. What is the new game in your time?
Oh and uh you cosplayed as Kurapika, Mulan, Link, and Bill. What can you add to the list now?
Keep dreaming, you piece of s---.
-18 year old trash Hephu -
Andsd Newbiethats sad
Dear future self,
This is the past self, a wrestilng fan, a Big Brother fan, etc. How is life, if its bad then stay strong, btw I'm 14 years old so you might be 15 years old when this is bumped, my current friends are:
And there's more
I have nothing else to say
Sincerely, your past dumb self
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