Time Capsule
Thread Topic: Time Capsule
no you're not
I'll just stop, it's super annoying anyway, these doubles. -
Dear Future Self,
Well, since this is a time capsule, I suppose I will see where I have come from and where I am now (in the future). Hopefully, I will still be on this site when it is brought back up. Also, hopefully you have learned from your choices and hopefully haven't made any other bad ones :D
Remember These Users:
(But these are the one I want to remember)
Sade (^~^)
Shadowmere (Jesse)
Sphinx (Yeah, and that account has a long GTQ history)
Ronnie (Tyler)
Girl_Almighty (Kierstan)
Dark22978 (I hope I got the numbers right xD)
Honey (:D)
Red (Meh Sis!)
Care (Reine)
(There are so many more :D) -
tr0l_lief__ Newbie
tr0l_lief__ Newbie
Oh s---, almost forgot to bring this back for everyone. I'll bump it a few times so anyone that may have posted in here has a chance to see it. I'll make another one for next year some time within the next few days. Happy new year's, everyone, late though it may be.
^prime example of mod abuse!
ban quickly please -
look at little 13 year old me -
^mmm she looks tasty
like bean dip -
Wow. Cool
I was 12 then :o
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