Time Capsule
Thread Topic: Time Capsule
I failed.
bands how do you see
Dear Future Self
I am nearly 13, and this time next year I will be almost 14. I will put a link to my thread page 517, which is where I am now.
This time next year, I could be 3 levels more that I am now. Senior. Who knows?
By then I will probably have lots of accounts as I already have 3 backup:
Grampa Simpson
S I Chalmers
Nigel Farage
From Past Self. -
These are the people I do not want to forget:
Cmpunkie4567 (Josh)
Shadowmere (Jesse)
Sademogirl (Kait)
Dogsbuddy (Paige)
That_Just_Josh (Josh)
Rex (Cody)
Batman12506 (Jozy)
Hiccstrid (Olivia)(If she comes back)
Masky (don't know what account he goes by now)
Percie (Crystal)
Care_bear19 (Carissa)
And some older users such as:
The Coldest Sun
1714 -
Well, Sup future me. How've you been? Hopefully you've been good.
So, currently, as of late 2015, youre into year two of staying in Spain. You still think it sucks, and the weather is way too warm. You honestly can't wait to get back to the states, and get back with your friends. You've been drawing more recently, and at the time of this recording, you think you're pretty good. When you see this, you'll probably be grimacing at the old things.
We've apparently accidentally made an enemy. No surprise there, unfortunately. Hopefully we can make amends or something, because past you hates having people who dislike them.
Hopefully you didn't forget anyone like last time we went on hiatus from here, but I know we will.
I currently have no other words to tell you, future me, except stay safe, and please don't get too hurt.
Love, yourself -
O.o like everyone else does? ^~^ got used to my hair like that.
Dear future self: Give up on life it's hopeless, thank you~
Also, I want to say one thing that I know of
In the future I hope the kids have some sense. I say that because at school everyone always shows disrespect to same sex dating, marriage, etc. Also it kinda irritates me when people go around calling people bad names such as a whore, slut, etc. etc. And they don't even know what it means. I just want people to get their common sense straight. I know I'm just a shadowed girl hoping for the best but I will help change that. I have goals some of those goals are
- Stop eating cafeteria food because it makes me sick
- Learn to play the flute
- Stop dying my hair every month
- Stop being such a cheese addict.
One day I will learn that dancing to 'Hit the Quan' isn't the best option. I need to stop depending on music to help me. Also, hopefully I wont be such a "whore" in the future. I know that I wasn't the best newbie here. Hell ill always be a newbie even when I'm not considered one. I am actually not the worst nor am I the best, I'm in between. When I'm an 'older user' I would have made an improvement on my social skills. I want to post my life motto also
Thank you loves~~~~
P.s. Stop calling everyone 'my love' its weird
Okay, I'm done for now.
Bye~~~~~~~~ -
Knock knock.
Who's there?
This thread.
This thread who?
It's a thread, you fcking idiot. It doesn't have a last name. -
Ha Ha funny
...^ a double. Like I have some 15 of or some s---
I am not a double.
^ yes you are
and actually the one I put was a late post, I guess, didn't even see the real one's post, damnit -
But I am Maru.
This is really not the thread for this conversation.
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