The Coldest Sunz's Profile

The Coldest Sunz
Joined on Sep 12, 2015
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
The Coldest Sunz's Quizzes
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The Coldest Sunz's Recent Posts
"I go by Tree now, but yes."
"By forcing her to apologise."
"On the other hand, TheBlackApple if you stop harassing this user I will mark your posts"
"You're harassing TheBlackApple"
"If you stop harassing this user, I will mark your posts"
"Unfortunately due to Hana Ako spamming the user's profile has been removed."
"You shouldn't have spammed, but it's too late and unfortunately we have to delete them."
"Unfortunately we have to delete all 3 accounts because you spammed in them."
"Yes, you're spamming by posting. The post ratio is 1 post per 5 minutes. If you post more than this it counts as spam. "
"I am marking your post for being offensive. This is a warning to you all: If anyone decides to spam, it is an INSTANT 1-d"
"i'm also reporting the person who marked my post. I'm assuming it's Br0wnieBunny"
"Because they are a troll."
"Moderators are limited to locking 5 threads a day due to locking spam"
"*Have the day you deserve"
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