Time Capsule
Thread Topic: Time Capsule
Another reminder for my future self,
Don't forget! Here are some of the things you like.
World so Cold
How to make a She-trawberry
Painted Smile
Lavender Tone
God Syndrome
Romeo and Cinderella
I Can't Decide
Marukaite Chikyuu
Zankyou No Terror OP
I'm Blue
Numa Numa
Requiem for a Dream
Why can't I even dream?
This Little Girl
Pretty Little Psycho
I'm Insane
Super Psycho Love
I'm Just Your Problem
Stand in the Rain
Going Under
Yellow Butterfly
Haunted *
Safe and Sound
If I Die Young
One Time
Hard Out Here
f--- You
f--- You PTA
Panda Hero
Kuusou Mesorogiwi
Heart Attack
Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat Life
Eh? Ah, sou?
The Stereotypes Song
Bad Apple
Suki Kirai
Stronger than You
Pastel pink
Baby blue
Wine red
Red panda
Selena112/Luna Siren
The Monogatari series
Dangan Ronpa
Kill la Kill
Tokyo Ghoul
Death Note
Despair -
hey hey you hey you there hey yOU THERE YOU THERE
Hello future Drew, I hope you are loving f---ing high school. And I mean literally. ;)
But you got like 5-6 years of doing complicated s--- and if it gets you to where you need to be, then do it. You're growing more into an artist and just the period of growing up is finally shocking you to your core, and maybe your vagina.
You have the potential to live a comfortable life in California, smoking weed, and having a huge, kawaii army of kittens and not living with some ass you thought was the person you would be with for the billionth time in a century, because I think your common sense is finally melting into your brain that you're just not meant to date, love, or get any of that good stuff.
You would probably be dead or alive in the future, but it doesn't matter. The whole thing people have been telling you is that things progress and times the element of this progression and it might get better, so hang tight, hug the walls if you have to, or do something to get you through these 5 dreadful years and you finally be high enough to reach your peace limit. -
Stop caring so much about people who don't care about you.
Current bands that have been helping me sleep and deal with life:
Pierce the Veil
Sleeping with Sirens
Motionless in white
My Chemical romance
Icon for hire
And black veil brides.
^~^ get a life, study, grow out of whatever phase you're in, you don't want to stay looking like this forever:
^~^ enjoy life as much as you can, don't let go of that person's hand, you know who i'm talking about.
A pat on the back if you're all stitched up and free of scars by the time this gets bumped again.
You're sixteen, get a job and study hard since there's one year left for you before graduation.
Don't give up on rotc, continue being in the program until you graduate.
^~^ start making plans and buying rings, you know why.
If you're feeling down, just listen to Disasterology once again and remember Vic's words. ^~^
~ fetus you. -
And give back that hoodie you're wearing in the picture above to Nathaniel, you little fck. ^~^and stop being friends with bad people who pressure you into stuff. -
You know why there's no "dear" there. We're going to rehash my current standings before we do anything else.
My names are as follows:
Maru E.A. Taiyro
Grey N. Winchester
Reeve C. Cipher
Irizun Makara
Drug S. Strider
Emery J. Sanchez
This is me. Fix it, please.
Currently, I have access to 358 Gotoquiz accounts.
There are 2,079 songs in my iTunes library.
There are 1,197 Gravity Falls images on my iPod, 4,112 Homestuck, and 541 Rick and Morty.
I work as a cashier at Walmart.
I am currently representing myself with the title, "Self-destruction extraordinaire."
My favorite bands are: The Bravery, The Used, Hollywood Undead, and Get Scared.
My favorite colors are black and white.
I am pansexual and panromantic. Agender. Atheistic.
Si (Pine) is my moirail. They'd better still be by the time you revisit this thread.
My current obsessions are Homestuck, Gravity Falls, and Rick and Morty. I know you thought that Supernatural and the like were important to you, but they didn't stick. I've basically lost interest in them by now. I don't know how you'll cope without something to fill those empty spaces in your chest, though, so I really hope these characters aren't going anywhere.
Over the summer, I almost convinced myself that I'd been lying to myself for years about my own mental state. Without the stress of school, I'd been allowed a month of being able to feel okay, and I began to think that the pressure had been making me exaggerate how bad I felt. I had started to feel guilty by the middle of June, like an attention whore. I thought I'd made up all of my problems just to feel like I had an identity. Now, however, the alternating numbness and absolute hopelessness run my life. If you're reading this, I'm sure it disgusts you to think I would say something this dramatic as if it even matters, but at the moment, I've got some pretty heavy plans in the works. I know I can't continue living my life if it's always going to be like this. If you're still alive, the situation had better have improved. If you're still living the way I am right now, you're an even bigger idiot than I am. Stop.
Speaking of which, I've got a solution I've been working on. We're going to keep it quiet on here for a number of reasons, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. How did that work out?
Have you written any new songs? Have you improved your drawing? Have you done anything productive whatsoever for the past year or so?
Alright, I'm just reverting back to self-abuse now. You get the picture. Get your sht together or leave. Let's talk some time.
mt. -
Dear Future Self,
This is a not so formal letter from your fifteen-year-old past self that just so happens to still be trying to figure stuff out. You've had a lot of set backs, but if you're still here to read this, you've done well. How's it going, getting into Emerson and all? Are you still head-over-heels for Bash, or was that really just another passing phase?
Right now, you're upset about not getting a role in the play. You're also pretty sure a lot of the drama kids hate you, but you fixed things with the ones who mattered, so it doesn't really bother you that much anymore. You're patiently awaiting Thespian, and your second date with Bash is fast approaching.
Your best friend is, haha, still Julianna. You've had your ups and downs, but she saved your life, and you know she'll always be there for you. Tell her thank you again. Tell her how much you love her, and tell her things will get better, because she's dealing with stuff too.
How are things going with Seth? So far, it hasn't been a mistake, telling him everything you did. So far, he's been perfect about it. Are you still mad at Zach? I hope you can forgive him. And, um, is Mariah still recognizing you as a human being? I hope so. She's kinda superficial, though..
Are you still in love with Colin O'Donoghue? I hope so. I hope you'll get to meet him.
Your favorite song may change, but right now, it's Back to You by Twin Forks. Your favorite show is a tie between Reign and Once Upon a Time. Your favorite book is still Narnia.
You're doing good. Maybe not your best, but good. You have people who care. Keep them. Keep trying to fix things with you-know-who, but let her have her space while she needs it. You'll get there someday.
And, hey, guess what? I love you, you nerdy loser. I know I don't tell you that a lot, but I do. You're a mess, but.. You're getting it together, sweetheart. Keep going.
Your Past Self -
Oh, right. Have some things, Maru.
Dear future me,
Look at you, reading this message!
Remember how I used to say you'd never survive another year? Well here you are at what, fifteen years old? (God you're getting old..) and would you look at that, you proved me wrong and went on living. Keep it up, I'm glad to see you've made it this far~
I have rewritten this part over ten times because I've never been very good at writing and everything seems to come out wrong, but yo, I've decided to give up on trying to make this sound perfect and just stick with whatever comes out. So right now, (where I am, in 2015) I are fourteen years old and have no idea what I'm doing with my life. I'm also not very sure with who I am but I guess I'll figure that out in time, I've still got a lot of years ahead of me to figure that out right? You better remember that too, because you're constantly trying to figure things out on the spot, and sometimes that causes you to stress out and break down. So just, relax a bit okay? People figure themselves out with time, not all in one day, Doofus.
Ah, I'm curious, did you ever become that vegetarian I had once thought about being? I never tried because I don't like vegetables very much either...maybe I should start eating them more often?
And also, don't give up on drawing. You've come so far and it'd be a shame to see you throw all out the window.
I'd also like to remind you to talk to your family more often, they're not going to be around forever, and don't be so afraid to speak up dork.
Okay one more thing, Stop hanging around people who are only there to hurt you. If they enjoy making you feel like s--- then they're probably not really your friends. Stop letting people use you as well.
Your past self.
P.S stop being so independent. It's okay to depend on others every now and again. People need others in their life to help them grow and it's rather painful to go through it alone. So just, open up to others more often and accept their help, okay? Ah, and I was going to say something else but I forgot.
P.S.S I remembered now, goddammit why did you make this so long? And did you ever dye your hair? -
Here are a few people I never want to forget so ill post their profile links
Dear Future Kaden,
I really hope that you've come out to your entire family by now and that you finally got that boy's haircut you've been desiring for months now. You're twelve years old right now, and this is a picture you took today. You have some long hair, huh? It's hard to keep up with. I know that. I hope that everyone calls you Kaden and that you don't have to wear your little brother's clothes anymore. I hope you will be able to share your opinions with everyone without being afraid of what their response may be. I hope that you can be yourself all of the time. I hope you've seen your biological dad by now, which I doubt. He's probably going to be in jail pretty soon again. Here's some advice: Don't be afraid to tell someone what's on your mind.
You're probably a huge MCR and PTV fan by now. You're like a little unicorn. Hehe.
Your favorite songs right now are Teenagers, Welcome To The Black Parade, Cancer, I Don't Love You, and Na Na Na all by MCR. Your favorite PTV song is Bulletproof Love. Your love for One Direction still hasn't begun to stop, and it probably won't for a very long time. You're so passionate and easily attached to people and things.
I hope you have a beautiful year. Lots of love, past Kaden. x -
Hey whats up future self
Keep being awesome
That is all
Your past (and awesome) self -
One more thing: your Senpai is pretty awesome. You should try and talk to them sometime. You know who I'm talking about dork.
Dear future self: Stay cool, stop acting like a retard, learn to act your age, be normal and make friends.. -Past self
Also here's a nice video to look at when you see this
Goddamn, and please fix thisss:
That hair. >~>
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