Tisjellypenguin's Profile

Joined on Jan 12, 2015
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Tisjellypenguin's Recent Posts
"Yeah. The only way you can escape is if you surrender yourself to our lord and saviour Naruto Christ. He will free you of your weaboo sins"
"Denial is the second stage of weabooism"
"We all know you were secretly waiting for them to air, don't lie"
"I have 1714 :*"
"1714 is secretly a weeb Has a body pillow of me"
"Y'all dissing my new aesthetic ugh "
"Ooh, really. That's interesting. What's the story about that you have outlined? Ah, that's a pain. It happens sometimes"
"Awesome. What sort of books do you write? Did it cut out on you, orr...???"
"Well, soaping can be fun too, so I don't see what's wrong with that. I take it you quite enjoy it then though, yeah?"
"I'm great, thanks for asking! You up to much rn?"
"Oh, that's always good to know"
"Hey, how's it going?"
"All good ðŸ‘"
"Black and white in my opinion"
"Omg... Do you- do you think we will be strong enough to go against him then? He seems tough"
Tisjellypenguin's Recent Quiz Comments
"Yolo= you only live once.
Gross word, deserves to be burnt alive ^~^"1 -
"Awee, thank-you~ ^~^"