therealminime's Profile

Joined on Aug 13, 2014
Status Level: Senior
therealminime's Quizzes
- Would I Date You? (Updated Version 1.2)[published: Jan 15, 2018, 5 comments]
Ah, the good ol' classic "Would I date you" quizzes, that have plagued GTQ for many,……
- Would You Survive in a Horror Movie?[published: Sep 16, 2017, 4 comments]
Ah. It's a nice summer day. Perfect for hanging at your friend's summer house. But what you……
- Shout out quiz 2[published: Jan 01, 2016, 2 comments]
Shout out quiz Shout out quiz Shout out quiz Shout out quiz Shout out quiz Shout out quiz Shout out quiz Shout……
- How well Do you know Batman?[published: Feb 10, 2015, 6 comments]
Ah, Batman. He is so f---ing cool. This is an EXTREMELY EASY test on Batman and Robin. So, how well……
- How well do you know X:Men: Days of Future Past?[published: Jan 31, 2015, 1 comment]
X-Men:Days of Future Past. One of the most action-packed X men movies made. So,……
- Would I date you?[published: Jan 23, 2015, 9 comments]
Well, here is another old dating quiz. I honestly want/ need a gf. I was wondering if you would take my quiz……
- How much do you know about the Wolverine?[published: Sep 28, 2014, 2 comments]
How well do you know the Wolverine? Find out by taking this quiz! There is a lot to……
- How well do you know me?[published: Sep 18, 2014, 3 comments]
So how well do you know me? well thats why you are taking this quiz. see just how well you know me.……
- How well do you know Man of Steel[published: Sep 14, 2014, 3 comments]
Man of Steel is a 2013 action adventure film about the DC comics superhero, Superman. But, how……
- do you know me?[published: Aug 16, 2014, 5 comments]
So i got bored and made a random quiz. How well do you know me? well even if you dont it is not a quiz that is……
- what DC comics hero are you?[published: Aug 16, 2014, 9 comments]
There are many members of the justice league/ but which one are you? maybe Aquaman? Batman?……
- do you like vampires, werewolves, ect[published: Aug 15, 2014, 2 comments]
Werewolves, Vampires, and zombies and ect are...PERFECT AND AWESOME THEY……
therealminime's Recent Posts
"p.s. i’m still on the discord! i’m just not super active as much, but i’ll still probably pop on there every now and again to keep in touch "
"so, it’s been about 5 months since i’ve last been on here, and i kinda randomly thought about this place again for some reason but i think i"
"it’s been a “meh” vibe lately"
"nothing is changing or getting better. at all"
"not great :/wbu"
"nothings really getting better"
"Yeah :/"
"yeah :/"
"Thanks dude, I appreciate it <3"
"im just tired of being the person that’s always there but has no one there for me."
therealminime's Recent Quiz Comments
"100% :D"
2 -
"I hope you enjoyed it :)"
2 -
"92% "
2 -
"Omg I feel so loved (this totally was not requested XD)
No, but in all seriousness, thanks sib."
2 -
"I've changed, My Favorite marvel superhero is actually Iron Man. I still love Cap though."
2 -
"This was stupid, no offense. "
2 -
"It didn't work "
3 -
2 -
2 -
"100% again ;)"