Cmpunkie4567's Profile

Joined on Jul 29, 2015
Status Level: Novice
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Cmpunkie4567's Quizzes
- How much do you know about WWE (part 2)[published: Nov 23, 2015, 1 comment]
WWE is awesome.if you dont know what wwe is..wwe is a wrestling show that is really……
- How well do you know me[published: Oct 24, 2015, 5 comments]
Hello peeps, this is my third quiz, RATE IT AND COMMENT! because it took meh a long time to make this……
- How much do you know WWE?[published: Aug 14, 2015, 1 comment]
WWE is awesome.if you dont know what wwe is..wwe is a wrestling show that is really popullar..but how……
- Will i date you? (girls only)[published: Jul 28, 2015, 17 comments]
There are a lot of girls that want bf but a few are not lucky enough to get a bf but if your one……
- Are you markiplier,popularmmos or smike?[published: Jun 17, 2015, 7 comments]
Welcome may be wondering which youtuber you are. so if you wanna find out……
Cmpunkie4567's Recent Posts
"Yep :P)"
"Ok Kate I got the name for the plot by a song :P)"
"C1, C2, and C3 are a group of mass murderers. C4 and C5 were sent to stop and kill C1, C2, and C3. One night, C4 and C5 meet them and get be..."
"You're still sick? O.o"
"To late for food :P"
"Toby sighed and opened a book and pretended to read it. "Toby!" Stein yelled, Toby got startled "ummm....yes? he asked, "get over here" Stei..."
"Nah :P"
"It's normal of me being in a bad mood, I just hide it.."
"Damnit, fukking bad mood again Now i'm getting in bad moods more often xD"
"Markiplier or Jacksepticeye?"
"Senpai better notice me or i'll go full yandere flip out"
"Connor- 'cause I haven't talked to you :P"
Cmpunkie4567's Recent Quiz Comments
"67% Y^Y"
1 -
"60% XD"
1 -
"I got 60% ;-;,nice quiz eric XD"
1 -
"I notice everyone is getting markiplier XD"