Math. Enough said.

This seriously is basic math to basic algeabra. There is no test in this but it is kinda a way to see what algeabra looks like. Good luck!!

The test is over, you are done. If you would like another please hit the back button and redo it because I don't feel like making another one okay? XD

Created by: emarsh1999
  1. 2+2=
  2. 2í—2=
  3. 2^2= (^ is used as a power)
  4. 2x+8=
  5. (x+2)(x-2)=
  6. Triangle ABC is located in quadrant A. AB and AC are both 3 units long, how long is BC?
  7. Triangle ABC is located in quadrant A. AB and AC are both 3 units long, how long is BC?
  8. 6í·3=
  9. Square root of 25=
  10. 18x=3

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