Are you a basic?

There are many basic basic people but how basic are you? Do you steal styles? Use the knock off version? Steal boyfriends cheat etc. Are you accepted by society. Take this test to find out!

do you have the bravery it takes to take this test. Brag to your friends of how not basic you are good luck. Hope you aren't basic. These are real questions not questions from 10 year olds... maybe its good for a laugh or two though hope you enjoy

Created by: VTG

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. At school you see Becky shes wearing 200 dollar uggs do you...
  2. Do you frequently fantasize about others lives?
  3. Do you like cheese ?
  4. Do you constantly want to go home from school
  5. You find yourself thinking about celebrites
  6. do you care about people?
  7. You go to the mall and see taylor swift do you
  8. You encounter a squirell do you
  9. I have a chocolate bar and say you cant have any what do you say
  10. If I were a booger would you pick me first?

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Quiz topic: Am I a basic?