Rex's Profile


Joined on May 17, 2015
Status Level: Hot Shot

Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
100 Quiz
1K Quiz
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Rex's Quizzes

  • random question quiz
    [published: Apr 05, 2016]

    This is a little quiz with some questions. Most are from video games yes. Lets see how you will do on this……

  • how well do you know me? number two
    [published: Feb 28, 2016, 3 comments]

    A simple quiz about me. Shall you learn. Aomw mysteries of the Codemaster as you take it.……

  • random facts of me
    [published: Jan 01, 2016, 1 comment]

    There will be justice in murder. T here will be justice in murderThere will be justice in murder.……

  • would i date you?#2
    [published: Dec 24, 2015, 18 comments]

    This here be a little quiz I made. Appreciate it of you would be so kind as to take it fo' me, 'ere. Thanks.……

  • The Kings Shoutouts
    [published: Dec 23, 2015, 1 comment]

    This is Just a random thing for the things called shootouts or whatever to the ones I speak to. I am more……

  • May you know me when its done more.
    [published: Nov 28, 2015]

    This is just a simple little quiz not thingy I made out of boredom. Please take it If you……

  • lyrics quiz rex
    [published: Oct 21, 2015]

    Come out, come out, wherever you are I know you're there, I know you are They called us crazy cuz we never fit……

  • what weapon fits you?
    [published: Sep 08, 2015, 11 comments]

    This quiz is to see which weapon I believe would be best suited for you based off of a few questions. It……

  • shoutout quiz(rex)
    [published: Aug 14, 2015, 4 comments]

    This is a simple shouts of quiz and now you see it is a lost of what I see and know. Few are in and few I……

  • lyrics quiz beautiful
    [published: Aug 05, 2015]

    This quiz is to see how much you know the song beautiful by POD a great song and one of my favorites by……

  • how much do you know me?(rex#3)
    [published: Jul 26, 2015, 1 comment]

    Let us see how much you know me. I have a few who truly know me but do you? Actually a few who……

  • how well donyou know me #2?
    [published: Jul 06, 2015, 3 comments]

    Let me see how well you guys know me. Just take it even if im a stranger you may so better Jan……

  • the quiz for my shooting star
    [published: Jun 24, 2015, 2 comments]

    This quiz was made for my shooting star as suggested by her. I love you. Hope this is good……

  • what do i see you as?
    [published: Jun 08, 2015, 16 comments]

    Lets see which or what it is that I would likely view you as if we ever met and conversed with each other.……

  • lyrics quiz by rex
    [published: Jun 06, 2015, 1 comment]

    How well do you know these following lyrics? Well or not at all? Find out through this quiz. Thwre is only a……

  • how well do you know final fantasy 10?
    [published: May 29, 2015, 1 comment]

    This quiz is short and is to See How much you know about the hit ps2 game final fantasy……

  • words of wisdom
    [published: May 26, 2015, 4 comments]

    This quiz is something to try to help people out in some 21st by spreading light truth upon them in a way in……

  • would i date you?
    [published: May 24, 2015, 6 comments]

    This is a little quiz to see if I would ever consider dating you if we met in Real Life. We all are different……

  • how well do you know me
    [published: May 18, 2015, 3 comments]

    There may knot be many who truly know. me are you one who does though.take this quiz to find out the……

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