the quiz for my shooting star

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This quiz was made for my shooting star as suggested by her. I love you. Hope this is good though, and thank you. If you are not her feel free to read it I guess. Enjoy.

This quiz was made for my shooting star as suggested by her. I love you. Hope this is good though, and thank you. If you are not her feel free to read it I guess. Enjoy..

Created by: Rex

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I'll start with this; we first started talking at 3;19(My time).
  2. Lets see, what is your account name?
  3. You seem to like music which is great. I like the songs you said I should listen to so thank you.
  4. You are 3 hours behind me and hundreds of miles away but distance can be covered with time.
  5. Do know, you are more than this, you are more than worthless. If anything, you're worth everything to me.
  6. I've got 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you... I love you.
  7. Star, do know that you are sweeter than cake, but the only difference is too much of you can't get me sick.
  8. I hope this was good, I did not know really what exactly to put in here so I put thoughts and facts.
  9. Don't you know that you are a shooting star? Don't you know? Dontbyou know?
  10. Okay..Thanks for taking the quiz hope its okay, did not know hope to make it so I just put first things in my mind. Bye, and if you want comment

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