Random OC Quotes
Thread Topic: Random OC Quotes
I will end you!!
-- AH
-- 7
Oh, oh, okay...
-- AH
-- 7 -
This is odd...
-- Shekel
Oh, yeah, Devin and Shale are a bit of a joke among us. Their cofront is called Shevin and we make it into a ship.
-- Don -
Isn't Devin older than Shale?
-- Shekel
No. Shale is 24, Devin is 21. Just at drinking age.
-- Don -
If the revolution doesn't stop, I will make sure it ends. With my axe 6 inches deep in some jacka**'s face,
-- Dingoe -
The only way to survive in this world is to kill or be killed. And it just so happens that you must be killed.
-- Dingoe -
! w!11 3nd 3v3ry0n3 !n m!nut3$!
-- Corrupted Tracer -
Th3 f@ct th@t m0st p30p!3 $33m t0 th1nk 1 @m $tup1d 1$ @m@z1ng!!
-- Entity 303 of a different plane -
Death isn't the answer. But chaos is uncontrollably, so is Dingoe when he catches the flame of the chaos. And he is a bringer of death.
-- Lem -
I will continue to refuse this, even if I have to die.
-- Drala -
I will scream in 3 seconds in you do not get us out of here, Darius.
-- Violet -
The next person to f**king speak to me will be ripped to shreds!!
-- Don -
Xey really aren't but you don't get xem mad.
If there was one wish, I would want a normal life.
-- Curo -
The only ting I have ever wanted were friends. And now that I've got them, they start to hate me?
-- Dingoe -
I have never thought I would liive to hear Devin, Curo, and Don sing those songs. Curo singing CPR, Don singing Reese's Puffs, and Devin singing Misery. All at the same time.
-- Zumae
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