Random OC Quotes
Thread Topic: Random OC Quotes
I feel like I fell off the world...
- Gold -
Can everyone stop? I can't focus on jack s**t with all of you yelling!!
- Lem -
You motherfu- *coughs* er, muffinhead.
-Gold -
Damn God....
- Devin -
Ya know, sometimes I feel like I have died, went to hell, came back, but somehow never left hell....
- Drala. -
I feel weak to see this on you. You look as if you can't breathe!!
- Gold -
In all honesty, it is hard to breathe in this. But that's supposed to happen. I have to wear this to be what I am.
- Lem -
I don't like this one bit.
-- Zumae
Oop, there went our galaxy. *yells* Who gave the psychopath the nukes?
-- Tracer -
Even the greatest gods fall one day.
-- Dingoe -
If time were to stop, who would be devastated the most?
-- Lem -
What happens when he blanks out on me because of a panic attack?
-- Lem -
I have the urge to throw myself off a building.
-- Gold
No, you cannot yeet yourself off the top of Las Nevadas.
-- Quackity
-- Gold -
This is a psychopath gambler. No you may not date him.
-- Gold -
This is an orphan who swears like a satanist. No you cannot date him.
-- Quackity, talking about Gold
This is a homicidal maniac. No you may not date him.
-- Lem, talking about Dream to George. -
Sometimes I wonder what life has in store for me? Why do I exist if I'm not good enough?
- Tracer
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