Random OC Quotes
Thread Topic: Random OC Quotes
Why is this who I am?
- Blue -
Ya know, I'm looking for a partner. You seem cute.
- Onixe
(Not mine. A friend's.) -
Listen here, you little s---!! I'm doing the best I can!
-- Blue -
I can't understand how the humans function. Could you explain it?
- Young Lem -
What does "poker face" mean?
- Gold -
Ya know, I wish I could day everything on my mind, but that would earne a language, a slap across my wrist, an axe to the face, and no chance of revival ever.
- Gold -
There's hell to pay for hurting me. And I know my husbands would give it to you.
- Quackity
(Not an OC) -
Okay, listen here you little s**t. I am at my last straw with you! Quit the bs!
- Dingle, speaking to Vivo -
*Dingoe damnit auto correct!
Ay, let's go burn a country to the ground!!
-- Gold -
🎶🎶Crawling back to you. Do I wanna know? 🎶🎶
- Gold and Quackity in unison -
Is it ever okay to just... Liven't?
-- Tracer -
That failed horribly....
-- Devin -
Can I sleep forever?
--Tracer -
Jacka**. I hate you sometimes.
-- Dingoe
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