Random OC Quotes
Thread Topic: Random OC Quotes
--- Violet
I will never forget you. I promise. My memory of my childhood may be s**t, but I won't forget you.
--- Zumae
What's sentience?
--- Zumae -
It's the feeling or sensation as distinguished by perception and thought.
--- Don -
You're a dictionary, Donny. You memorize things and repeat them.
--- Curo -
Actually no. It's my photographic memory. Basically like every time I blink, my brain takes a picture.
--- Don -
I know Victoria's secret!
--- Don -
She was made up by a dude!!!
--- Zumae -
Cashin' in on body issues, selling skin and bones with big boobs!!!
--- Don and Zumae in unison -
I'm not sure how much I agree.
--- Devin -
Where I'm from, it's weird to be gay.
--- Curo -
Wh-what? NO!! DON!!!
--- Curo -
I couldn't control him anymore, Curo. I'm sorry.
--- Don -
No. You hurt him, I'll kill you. I will take your life and kill you.
--- Kimball
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