Random OC Quotes
Thread Topic: Random OC Quotes
Is there ever a day where you wished you could be normal?
--- Shale -
I just wanted to have your love. That's all I wanted and you rejected me. That's why it's come to this!!
--- Dingoe -
I won't hesitate tokill you. We all know I may be small, but I'm fierce. I could kill you, Dream, or you Techno. I'm the strongest one here.
--- Gold -
It's not immature if I'm not mature. See? I've found a loop hole.
--- Curo -
This is only for the people who aren't guys in the room.
--- Violet -
I identify as gender fluid. Therefore I can do it.
--- Don -
I'm the only guy in the room other than Marco. Everyone else doesn't apply to the gender rules. LOOP HOLES!!!!
--- Curo -
Ah, s**t, there went my husband.
--- Curo -
Oh, c'mon, Z-boy! Please marry me!! I'd really like to have this opportunity.
--- Devin -
There isn't a good percentage of that actually happening. I very highly doubt that we will encounter Toro.
--- Don -
--- Don -
Welp, there went my sanity. It fell off the monorail. I'll never find it again...
--- Curo -
I can't run, Curo. I'm helpless. My leg is broken. I can't run. Leave me behind.
--- Don -
I made these gauntlets so I can fight, just like the dinosaurs can. I won't let them hurt you, Kat. I promise. I promise, my sweet little Compie.
--- Violet -
The day has come to wear I've given up hope. There's no possible way we can leave this island.
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