Curo is best's Profile


Curo is best
Joined on Nov 9, 2021
Status Level: Experienced

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3-Year Club
100 Quiz
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Curo is best's Recent Posts

  • Casa Del Fuego
    "Maybe Crystal will come over today!! That would be nice!! 🌱 I'd like that!!! 🌱"
  • Casa Del Fuego
    "Here's the best thing I did for little Willow. They're really hard to put an appearance on, unlike the others."
  • Casa Del Fuego
    "Pop goes the weasel. Ready for the mental breakdown?"
  • Casa Del Fuego
    "I am 15 today. Look at me! I'm 15!!!"
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "George fell asleep after shifting to Dream's chest. Quackity smiled. "Thank you! So much!" He cried, launching himself at the "
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "George smiled, curling up against Dream. "I love you." Quackity smiled. "I have the best lovers in the world! Thank you, both o"
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "George smiled. "Even you're yawning. A quick nap before our date?" Quackity flushed. "Well, see, I said before Schlatt. I met h"
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "George giggled happily. "What time is our date? Do I have time for a nap or no?" Quackity yawned a little, stretching. "I'm gla"
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "(Thank you! Thank you for accepting me!) George giggled. "So does thatean we can't argue over it anymore?" Quacki"
  • Casa Del Fuego
    "Grrrr.... Apparently I can't head but a dog and not get hurt."
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "(Thank you, Blizz. Really. Thank you! I appreciate that. I'm also used to people telling me I'm taking when I'm not, so there's also that.) ..."
  • Casa Del Fuego
    "Hello there little one. Welcome once again to the tortures of cynophobia. Roxy is nice. Don't worry."
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "(It's a result from the stuff that happened with my dad. I just- I don't like it, because there's the noticeable changes and the not so noti..."
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "(Oh, okay. Well, I have a personality disorder that adds to my memory issues. It's gotten to a point where my friend looks at me and asks wh..."
  • Casa Del Fuego
    "I hate my auto correct.... I really hate it...."

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