Remake of How well do you know me

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Hey! This is just to see how well you GTQ users know me. Take this to find out! I really just want to get this account to Junior anyway. Kinda a level up quiz, of you really think about it.

As always, if you want to talk to me, I'm active in the Lounge Forum in one of my alts usually. Find me and talk if you want to. As long as we can get along, I'm alright with us talking!!

  1. How often am I on GTQ?
  2. What is my age?
  3. How many alts do I have active?
  4. Am I an introvert or an extrovert?
  5. Is it unusual for me to rp with myself or act like I'm one of my OCs?
  6. Do I still use Curo or have I changed my name?
  7. How many OCs do I have?
  8. What is(are) my favorite book series?
  9. What are my favorite hobbies?
  10. How likely is it for me to want to talk to someone yet I don't know how to start the conversation?

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Quiz topic: Remake of How well do I know me

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