How well do you know me?

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Hello!! This is Alex, coming back with another quiz. This is a quiz for my friends to see how well they know me!! Hopefully, you get a good score. Otherwise, I might need to see what we've been talking about.

I tried really hard on this, hoping to make it one of my best. I hope you enjoy and would really appreciate if you commented and rated it!! Thanks for taking my quiz!!!!!

  1. How old am I?
  2. What color is my hair?
  3. What is my favorite book series?
  4. What is my eye color?
  5. Do I have glasses?
  6. Are my ears pierced?
  7. What is my gender?
  8. How long have I been on the forums?
  9. How long is my hair?
  10. What was one of my first thread names?
  11. Why did I make an account on GoToQuiz?
  12. What is my favorite movie right now?
  13. What is my theme song?
  14. What am I currently obsessing over?
  15. How many OCs do I have?
  16. Where do I live?
  17. What is my name?
  18. How many quizzes have I made? (Counting this one)
  19. Have I made quizzes like this before?
  20. Do I enjoy roleplaying?
  21. Am I on GTQ a lot?
  22. What Time zone am I in?
  23. Do I have alts?
  24. Am I American Born?
  25. What is my first language?
  26. What language(s) am I learning?
  27. Am I a Furry?
  28. What is my favorite animal?
  29. What is my favorite mythical beast(s)?
  30. Last Question. What is the one thing I always say when I don't know what to say?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?

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