Are you a TRUE Percabeth shipper?

What's Percabeth? Who is Percy and Annabeth? If these are you're questions, DON'T TAKE THIS TEST, YOU aren't a Percabeth shipper! Percabeth is a Percy Jackson ship that you NEED TO KNOW!

You know what Percabeth is, right? But do you want to know HOW MUCH of percabeth you are? If so, PLEASE click here and TAKE THIS TEST! Comment for me!

Created by: Pia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. At the beginning of the first book, you were hoping:
  2. When Percy and Annabeth first kissed, you thought:
  3. Did you EVER ship Perchel or Percalypso?
  4. Do you wish Percy loved YOU instead of Annabeth?
  5. Fave colour?
  6. ARE you a true Percabeth shipper??
  7. I am bored. Are you? This will affect your score btw
  8. End this sentence: A true Percabeth shipper loves...
  9. Will you like and comment?
  10. Will you try my other quizzes?
  11. BYE!!!

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Quiz topic: Am I a TRUE Percabeth shipper? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Characters Quiz category.