Random OC Quotes
Thread Topic: Random OC Quotes
Sorry, E. It's the truth. Andy got killed...
--- Destiny -
"Where you see the worst season of the year, friends, I see....
an oppurtunity."
-Cyrus -
No, you can't just slaughter thousands with your scythe. That's not fair!!
--- Destiny -
uh, no. That is not what I'm accepting. He's not dead. I refuse to believe it. After that voyage, after everything, Jason can't be dead!!!
--- Curo (in my PJ AU) -
I have a character that I created as a snow leopard that has a eating disorder but is trying to overcome it to live a better life then so they always say,"Eat it to beat it" -Snowy paws ❄
No way. There is no way my life is ending like this.
--- Don -
I'm not giving up on you! I promise on my life not to give up!!
--- Anastasia -
That's impossible!
---- Katniss -
Get out the line of fire!! Run, Kat!!!
--- Lycann -
You coward. Stand up and fight me yourself!! Like a man!!
--- Curo (in my PJ AU) -
No, Ly!! I'm not stepping aside and letting you get hurt!!
--- Night -
Night, move. I have to. You're my little brother. You can't die for me. I must die for you!
--- Lycann -
There is no other way!! It was never meant to be!
--- Lem -
I will never allow Fruitopia to be corrupted. Not on my life.
--- Lem -
I'm gonna be a god!! Thank you Papa!!
--- Fora
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