Random OC Quotes
Thread Topic: Random OC Quotes
Are we sad? No, not at all.
-- AH
F**king depressed b**ch.
-- 7 -
Well I guess you just got knocked down by a bad fighting kittypet 😝
-Red (1 WC oc) -
Hey there, ..., Yes I want Ur food
-me irl -
Hey wanna go diving with sharks, or go jump off a cliff into a small pool?
-Heron -
The fact that there is a broken coffee pot and that Curo has blood on his hand and Devin has bloody axes... Who made the f**king Mexican b**ch and the Aborigine f**ker angry?
-- Don -
I will eat that baby.
-- Dingoe -
I have a constant smile on my face. And it's always there, because my face can't heal!
-- Devin -
I hate life sometimes...
-- Zumae -
How do you manage to be so selfish?!
-- Don -
Fools. I see what you cannot!
-- Devin -
-Zye (from a new RP I'm in) -
I need that to live, Scarlet!!
-- Midnight, my new villain OC -
I think it was Otimial who caused this...
-- Midnight -
But I'm a simp!!
-- Night -
To die would be glory now...
-- Vesper
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