Random OC Quotes
Thread Topic: Random OC Quotes
For those heroes, valiance is all they need.
-- Vesper -
And for you villains, you just want the f**king power!
-- Scarlett -
Sometimes it makes me wonder if we will ever really be okay...
-- Axee -
You will never be like Shasta!
-- Castellan (Night's brother) -
I will never forgive you!
-- Araxe -
The end is near.
-- Mara -
I can hear them talking. And none of it is good...
-- Shasta -
You will die at my hand. I will see that you never rise to see the day again, Midnight Void!
-- Castellan -
All is lost. When Castellan rises, Scarlett, we will all fall...
-- Night -
Sometimes life is confusing.
-- Wylber -
"Damn bro, this lightning tastes like s---."
-Ryshov -
'Run with the blade child. Not the sword itself.'
-Neteyam -
'I didn't steal it. I just took it when no one was looking and ran away, trust me.' -Rouge 'Charlie'
'Even a curse has it's own benefits, just wait and watch. Then you die.'
-Mage -
'It's not sharper than my blade, but will hurt for longer'
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