averagestudent's Profile


Joined on May 5, 2023
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
1-Year Club
100 Quiz
Top 100 Quiz
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averagestudent's Quizzes

  • Harry Potter Roleplay Quiz
    [published: Jan 05, 2024]

    Hi,this is a Hogwarts Roleplaying Quiz!In this quiz,you will role play as a student at Hogwarts!Earn……

  • Quiz to help me level up
    [published: Sep 06, 2023]

    This took a very long time.It took weeks to make this.Please take this.I’m lying,this took maximum 40……

  • Shoutout quiz for the cool peeps
    [published: Aug 09, 2023]

    Over the last few months I’ve been roleplaying,writing,and just generally chilling at GTQ.This……

  • Would we be friends?
    [published: Aug 07, 2023, 22 comments]

    Alright. This is a quiz to find out if we would be friends. I dunno if people even read these paragraphs……

  • Career quizzes lol

    Just quizzes about careers,lol.Anyways,I need to fill this box up so Ill just continue typing this sentence.

averagestudent's Recent Posts

  • The Starship Odyssey
    "Hazel summoned her remaining strength to pull herself up to standing position and safely maneuver the ship to a soft landing place on Mystar..."
  • "(Can we time skip to when azalea comes back)"
  • Tidbit Thread
    "read the post about fallout, the only fallout I saw was this cartoon ad for vault-tec that went: Woman: bUt wHAt aBoUT mY chILDrEn?!..."
  • "(Kk) Azalea was excited. Really excited. In just a few weeks she would be back at the neighborhood, able to see Rain and Reya again. She..."
  • The Starship Odyssey
    "Hazel crashes into the floor, dropping her ray gun, which fires off a wave of bolts and blowing up some random lever. “Crap, those were "
  • "(Do I post or do I not post, I think right now Azalea is still at the boarding school)"
  • "Name: Azalea, Leah for short. Appearance: Shoulder length, wavy chocolate brown hair, tan, vivid purple eyes. Personality: A bit of ..."
  • The Starship Odyssey
    "Alanine is backed in a corner, trying to stay upright as the ship jerks and jolts. As the ship shakes violently, she finally stumbles and fa..."
  • The Starship Odyssey
    "Hazel notices the voice that said “hello”, and without thinking, she fires off a bolt from her ray gun, hitting another button that says “Hy"
  • Kind of quitting
    "ok update: I posted this early, I’m stuck in Baoding(China) with no YouTube, no Google, and bad internet and this is like one of the onl"
  • Site Updated - April 18
    "My pfp’s back now oh my beloved pfp"
  • Site Updated - April 18
    "Oh so this is why my pfp disappeared for a short amount of time"
  • The Seaweed Lounge
    "I stared at the word spoiler for too long, now it looks just…wrong and weird. Like whenever I look at a word that technically isn’t phonetic"
  • The Seaweed Lounge
    " what is this spoiler thingy? so anyways I ain’t actually quitting GTQ I’m just saying I’ll be here less. And rig"
  • "Alr we just need a C1"

averagestudent's Recent Quiz Comments
