Which Harry Potter Character Is Your Soulmate? | Comments, Page 5
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Which Harry Potter Character Is Your Soulmate?
LOL Im Draco
His Soulmate
this suckks i got draco malfoy who is a friking racist,homophobe,sexist,mysogynistic,and bitvhboy you shouild take that bitcjh off the test.i am very non happuy with this is b---- boy answer!!!!!periodt.
Call my Draco b---- again and I hang you up
I got Tom Riddle
The best part is I DO have daddy issues -
enews.pk--Join us to get the Harry poter movie shocking fact and get some secret behind this film.
Mudassar1 -
i got tom riddle.
fudgesicil im dead alreadyMCRX131 -
So true!!!
didn't have to come for me like that jeez. hit the nail right in the head on that
Bro, guys i got Bellatrix
I never watched harry potter but i got harry.
I got neville longwilly :)
I got Draco Mallfoy!
Jamie691 -
i got harry potter 93% i wanted ron weasly
todoweeb1 -
I got draco lol
Not me doing it just for fun but getting malfoy
so i took the quiz again and it came back as malfoy i am so happy it is not even funny
1° George Wealey 2° Draco Malfoy
Lmao, wanted one of the twins! I got what I wantedd
i got tom riddle and wanted draco Malfot
ugh I got Draco !!!!!!!!!
i wanted ron but i got draco ;(
i got harry then ron and ron is fatt i mean, yaaaaasss
here from tiktok v happy i got draco n not fetus voldy
ainslie1 -
top ones: cedric draco and fred
i got draco some how i think it gliched
yess omg i got cedric diggory :)
i got fred yesss