your warrior cat oc!

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hi! im sh4rk and here is my warrior cats oc quiz! this will go through out a warriors life with certain events that have options on how you react! soo ye

this is not about the cat your about to get! this quiz is just to see how you react to certain situations as a warrior cat! I really hope you like the quiz!

Created by: sh4rk
  1. as a kit, another kit asks you if you want to play hide and seek, but out of camp! what do you say back to them?
  2. your an apprentice now! your mentor is glam'claw, who is super rude! your mentor catches you eating prey while hunting and scolds you, what do you say?
  3. you catch a hawk and everyones proud of you! but your sister is jealous and blames you for scaring a kit! you get mad, what do you say?
  4. you get chosen to go to the gathering! you meet someone from wind clan and immediately develop feelings for them! what do you say to them?
  5. your finally a warrior! your rival is jealous and lunges on you, how do you react?
  6. the leader asks you to go on patrol, you see a kitty pet on the thunder path, what do you do?
  7. your getting a bit old and don't have a mate yet, you think to yourself do I need a mate?
  8. you are taking a walk when suddenly you start coughing out blood, you rush to the med and found out u have green cough, your best friend brings you prey and tells you stories everyday, you recover and want to say thank you in some way, how do you?
  9. your joints ache and you feel weak, you decide to retire to the elders den as you are 80 moons old, your rival judges you, how do you react?
  10. you die from old age.. your guided onto starclan by your dead mother.. who do you choose as your mate?

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Quiz topic: My warrior cat oc!
