Which Harry Potter Character Is Your Soulmate? | Comments, Page 2
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Which Harry Potter Character Is Your Soulmate?
¿Qu personaje de Harry Potter es tu alma gemela?
Tu resultado: Tom Riddle 86%
resultadoDos palabras relacin txica, ambos an no estn seguros de por qu estn juntos, pero l es atractivo, as que se quedan y lo ms probable es que tengan algunos problemas con los paps.
76% Bellatrix
70% Draco Malfoy
69% Ron Weasley
63% Fred Weasley
62% George Weasley
61% Harry Potter
58% Cedric Diggory
52% Neville Longbottom
52% Hermione Grangerkarinys2 -
Which Harry potter character is your soulmate
Your Result: Draco Malfoy 92%
resultYour a bit on the edgy side but you are kind and sensitive and draco likes that about you, you make him feel safe he trys to hide you from his family cause hes afraid you might get hurt
88% Tom Riddle
82% Cedric Diggory
77% George Weasley
76% Ron Weasley
72% Bellatrix
70% Harry Potter
68% Neville Longbottom
65% Fred Weasley
59% Hermione Grangerpottah171 -
Which Harry potter character is your soulmate
Your Result: Draco Malfoy 86%
resultYour a bit on the edgy side but you are kind and sensitive and draco likes that about you, you make him feel safe he trys to hide you from his family cause hes afraid you might get hurt
86% Cedric Diggory
78% Neville Longbottom
76% George Weasley
74% Ron Weasley
72% Harry Potter
66% Fred Weasley
59% Hermione Granger
42% Tom Riddle
34 Bellatrix -
Your Result: George Weasley 83%
resultYou're sympathetic and calm but you love adventures and going out you seem to attract the same energy you give out and you and George is love at first sight
73% Cedric Diggory
72% Fred Weasley
72% Draco Malfoy
69% Ron Weasley
66% Neville Longbottom
65% Tom Riddle
64% Harry Potter
55% Hermione Granger
45% Bellatrix -
Which Harry potter character is your soulmate
Your Result: Harry Potter 80%
resultIf you got Harry than way to go you are a loyal trustworthy friend that puts others above yourself and that makes you compatible with him
80% George Weasley
78% Cedric Diggory
77% Ron Weasley
72% Neville Longbottom
64% Hermione Granger
64% Fred Weasley
58% Draco Malfoy
43% Bellatrix
26% Tom Riddle~the fact that I actually got Harry with my obsession is not helping~
Dianalol1 -
Which Harry potter character is your soulmate
Your Result: Draco Malfoy 86%
resultYour a bit on the edgy side but you are kind and sensitive and draco likes that about you, you make him feel safe he trys to hide you from his family cause hes afraid you might get hurt
85% Bellatrix
80% Fred Weasley
80% Ron Weasley
78% Tom Riddle
78% George Weasley
70% Cedric Diggory
70% Harry Potter
62% Neville Longbottom -
Which Harry potter character is your soulmate
Your Result: Draco Malfoy 91%
resultYour a bit on the edgy side but you are kind and sensitive and draco likes that about you, you make him feel safe he trys to hide you from his family cause hes afraid you might get hurt
76% Ron Weasley
74% Cedric Diggory
68% Harry Potter
67% George Weasley
63% Neville Longbottom
59% Bellatrix
58% Fred Weasley
56% Tom Riddle
41% Hermione Granger -
Your Result: Tom Riddle 91%
resultTwo words toxic relationship you both are still not sure why your together but he's hot so you stay and most likely you got some daddy issues
88% Draco Malfoy
86% Bellatrix
61% Harry Potter
59% George Weasley
57% Fred Weasley
56% Cedric Diggory
56% Ron Weasley
50% Neville Longbottom
37% Hermione Grangerand_reaa1 -
Your Result: Ron Weasley 92%
If you matched with ron than congrats you have a great sense of humour and ron seems to like that you both have fun dates doing all kinds of stuff
88% Harry Potter
85% Cedric Diggory
84% George Weasley
79% Fred Weasley
74% Neville Longbottom
66% Draco Malfoy
61% Hermione Granger
45% Bellatrix
41% Tom Riddle -
Your Result: Draco Malfoy 90%
Your a bit on the edgy side but you are kind and sensitive and Draco likes that about you, you make him feel safe he tries to hide you from his family cause he's afraid you might get hurt.
82% Harry Potter
77% Cedric Diggory
76% Tom Riddle
76% George Weasley
74% Ron WeasleyHelenaa1 -
Your Result: Harry Potter 80%
resultIf you got Harry than way to go you are a loyal trustworthy friend that puts others above yourself and that makes you compatible with him
79% Ron Weasley
72% George Weasley
70% Neville Longbottom
67% Fred Weasley
67% Draco Malfoy
63% Hermione Granger
58% Cedric Diggory
40% Tom Riddle
22% Bellatrix
I'M SO HAPPY I LOVE HIM SM <3torta6661-
i got harry potter too kid
Your Result: Ron Weasley 88%
resultIf you matched with ron than congrats you have a great sense of humor and ron seems to like that you both have fun dates doing all kinds of stuff
79% George Weasley
79% Cedric Diggory
78% Hermione Granger
76% Harry Potter
70% Neville Longbottom
65% Draco Malfoy
65% Fred Weasley
47% Tom Riddle
47% Bellatrix -
Your Result: Tom Riddle 90%
resultTwo words toxic relationship you both are still not sure why your together but he's hot so you stay and most likely you got some daddy issues
89% Harry Potter
82% Ron Weasley
70% Draco Malfoy
69% Hermione Granger
68% Bellatrix
66% George Weasley
65% Cedric Diggory
65% Neville Longbottom
58% Fred weasley -
Bellatrix 91%
resultShe's insane and your kinda into that you guys are both death eaters and you guys always are avada kedavraing people all the time. you probably got her cause you got momma issues
83% Tom Riddle
73% Ron Weasley
69% Draco Malfoy
66% George Weasley
59% Harry Potter
58% Cedric Diggory
58% Fred Weasley
47% Hermione Granger
39% Neville Longbottom -
Your Result: Harry Potter 90%
resultIf you got Harry than way to go you are a loyal trustworthy friend that puts others above yourself and that makes you compatible with him
86% Ron Weasley
81% George Weasley
73% Cedric Diggory
70% Fred Weasley
70% Hermione Granger
67% Neville Longbottom
58% Draco Malfoy
31% Bellatrix
15% Tom Riddle -
Which Harry potter character is your soulmate
Your Result: Ron Weasley 80%
resultIf you matched with ron than congrats you have a great sense of humor and ron seems to like that you both have fun dates doing all kinds of stuff
70% Neville Longbottom
62% George Weasley
62% Harry Potter
54% Hermione Granger
52% Draco Malfoy
50% Tom Riddle
48% Cedric Diggory
46% Fred Weasley
10% Bellatrix -
Hangi Harry potter karakteri senin ruh ein?
Sonucunuz: Tom Riddle
sonuki kelime toksik iliki ikiniz de neden birlikte olduunuzdan hala emin deilsiniz ama o ateli, bu yzden kalyorsunuz ve byk olaslkla babanzla ilgili baz sorunlarnz var
%78Draco Malfoy
%54Fred Weasley
%51harry potter
%50Ron Weasley
%48Hermione Granger
%45Cedric Diggory
%45George Weasley
%28Neville Uzunbottom -
Which Harry potter character is your soulmate
Your Result: Harry Potter 87%
resultIf you got Harry than way to go you are a loyal trustworthy friend that puts others above yourself and that makes you compatible with him
77% Cedric Diggory
76% Ron Weasley
73% George Weasley
73% Hermione Granger
69% Neville Longbottom
65% Fred Weasley
57% Draco Malfoy
34% Tom Riddle
28% Bellatrix -
Which Harry potter character is your soulmate
Your Result: Draco Malfoy 80%
resultYour a bit on the edgy side but you are kind and sensitive and draco likes that about you, you make him feel safe he trys to hide you from his family cause hes afraid you might get hurt
70% Ron Weasley
69% George Weasley
69% Cedric Diggory
67% Fred Weasley
67% Harry Potter
56% Tom Riddle
56% Bellatrix
53% Hermione Granger
51% Neville Longbottom
Your Result: Ron Weasley 84%
resultIf you matched with ron than congrats you have a great sense of humor and ron seems to like that you both have fun dates doing all kinds of stuff
77% Neville Longbottom
73% Draco Malfoy
73% Harry Potter
73% Cedric Diggory
70% Hermione Granger
70% George Weasley
64% Fred Weasley
54% Tom Riddle
44% Bellat -
Seu Resultado: Draco Malfoy 92%
resultadoVoc um pouco tenso, mas gentil e sensvel e o draco gosta disso em voc, voc o faz se sentir seguro, ele tenta escond-lo da famlia porque ele tem medo de que voc se machuque
90% Tom Riddle
85% George Weasley
82% Ron Weasley
80% Fred Weasley
80% Harry Potter
78% Cedric Diggory
74% Neville Longbottom
70% Hermione Granger
58% Bellatrix -
Seu Resultado: Draco Malfoy 92%
resultadoVoc um pouco tenso, mas gentil e sensvel e o draco gosta disso em voc, voc o faz se sentir seguro, ele tenta escond-lo da famlia porque ele tem medo de que voc se machuque
90% Tom Riddle
85% George Weasley
82% Ron Weasley
80% Fred Weasley
80% Harry Potter
78% Cedric Diggory
74% Neville Longbottom
70% Hermione Granger
58% Bellatrix -
¿Qu personaje de Harry Potter es tu alma gemela?
Tu resultado: Tom Riddle 87%
resultadoDos palabras relacin txica, ambos an no estn seguros de por qu estn juntos, pero l es atractivo, as que se quedan y lo ms probable es que tengan algunos problemas con los paps
84% Draco Malfoy
62% Ron Weasley
61% Bellatrix
56% Cedric Diggory
55% Neville Longbottom
55% George Weasley
54% Harry Potter
47% Fred Weasley
39% Hermione Granger -
Seu Resultado: Draco Malfoy 88%
resultadoVoc um pouco nervoso, mas gentil e sensvel e o draco gosta disso em voc, voc o faz se sentir seguro, ele tenta escond-la da famlia porque ele tem medo de que voc se machuque
78% George Weasley
77% Cedric Diggory
76% Harry Potter
75% Fred Weasley
69% Bellatrix
68% Ron Weasley
68% Neville Longbottom
65% Hermione Granger
63% Tom Riddle -
Which Harry potter character is your soulmate
Your Result: Draco Malfoy 89%
resultYour a bit on the edgy side but you are kind and sensitive and draco likes that about you, you make him feel safe he trys to hide you from his family cause hes afraid you might get hurt
86% Harry Potter
85% Fred Weasley
84% Ron Weasley
82% Tom Riddle
80% George Weasley
76% Bellatrix
73% Cedric Diggory
70% Hermione Granger
61% Neville Longbottom
I got draco malfoy