Which of the "Iconic Five" Characters Are You?

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Hello, wonderful GoToQuiz users! I am Mr. Matt Olsson, creator of these wonderful five characters. They may not be popular or famous, but they are wonderfully unique and have their own distinct personality traits!

In this quiz, you'll be able to finally get to know who these five are (once you'll get your results), and you will be able to figure out which one of these five you represent the most! Take your time and once you get your result, just know that the one you get is the one that truly fits you! Stamped it, you can't erase it now! :D

Created by: Matt Olsson
  1. Do you like dragons?
  2. Do you believe in Jesus?
  3. What's your favorite song out of these songs?
  4. Do you hate romance?
  5. Are you spontaneous?
  6. Do people consider you as cringe and annoying?
  7. What do you think of dogs?
  8. What would you do if someone the opposite gender wanted to go out with you and asked you to the dance?
  9. What is your favorite non-sinful activity?
  10. What is your favorite vegetable?
  11. Do you want to have married and have kids?
  12. What is your personality like?
  13. What would your ideal place to travel would be?
  14. Would you like to have a pet in the future and raise it as your own?
  15. What was your GPA like?
  16. What was the craziest dream you ever had?
  17. Are you easily tempted to sin?
  18. Highest level of education.
  19. Worst fear.
  20. Dark secrets.
  21. Favorite subject.
  22. Do you like dancing?
  23. Favorite Disney Princess
  24. Finally... did you love this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which of the "Iconic Five" Characters am I?
