Which of my favorite things are you?

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This is very obviously not all of the things I enjoy and I have many, many more I could add or even make new quizzes for! I hope you enjoy this quiz, please rate and comment what you think!

If you do not like the answer you get, that's okay! Just retake it. It isn't a defining thing, it's just a silly quiz. Let me know if I should make other quizzes like this one!

  1. Hello! First question! What color do you pick?
  2. Do you like bland food or flavorful food?
  3. Pick a hobby!
  4. Cats or dogs?
  5. Favorite style of clothing?
  6. Which of my interests do you also like?
  7. Pick a random number >:D
  8. Do you also struggle to pay attention qwq
  9. are you a dream team stan?
  10. Mkay, bye bye!

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Quiz topic: Which of my favorite things am I?
