Ultimate Pokemon Anime Test! Again!

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This is my second time making a pokemon quiz. But now I have an account. The old pokemon quiz is called the same thing but without "Again!". By Vic. Uhm.

So if you like this, go check out the old one! Sooooo.. #gotoquizstopmakingmeaddstuffimtheonlyonewhoevenreadsthesethingsanywaylikebrowhatonearthhiareyoustillhere

  1. When did Misty get Togepi?
  2. Could Team Rocket's Meowth always talk?
  3. What is the first episode of Pokemon called?
  4. What was Ash's last Pokemon?
  5. What is another meaning of "Alola"?
  6. Has a Pokemon ever died in the anime?
  7. What did Delia call Litten?
  8. Did anyone ever... uhm. Like Ash? You know... double like....
  9. Which of these end-of-episode song things came first? (In the dub. I don't know about Japan.)
  10. These next few questions will be about theme song lyrics. Again, from the dub. What region is this from? "We are together now, friends forever now, whatever comes our way, we won't run away"
  11. Next, "I'll go anywhere if I'm with you, ohh oh oh ohh oh, Lightning strikes or any shade of blue, ohh oh oh ohh oh"
  12. And now, "Rise, If you're prepared for the challenge, Rise to the challenge"
  13. Ok. Which region had contests first in the anime?
  14. Why did Ash lose the Indigo League?
  15. Why was it called Indigo League?
  16. Finish the sentence. "I'm Ash Ketchum . . ."
  17. Why is his last name Ketchum?
  18. Who's May's brother?
  19. Who's catchphrase: "The future is now, thanks to science!"
  20. Again: "Ta da!" (Jessie even made a joke about it 😭)
  21. And again: "No need to worry!" (This one's my fav and I ended up saying it too)
  22. Again: "You're such a little kid Ash!" (Does this one even count? 🤔)
  23. Who needed to find their dad? (Really interesting btw)
  24. Last question. What kind of pokemon are you?

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