what pokemon are you

this quiz will see what pokemon you actually are. From pikachu to beedrill this test will help you know your true pokemon self and might help you understand yourself a bit more

there are ten different questions and each of your answers will add points to a certain pokemon character. it will all add up and show your results at the end. this is my first ever quiz so enjoy

Created by: Raven
  1. what element are you
  2. how many siblings do you have
  3. what's your fave colour
  4. what do you like to do in your free time
  5. what is your fave season
  6. what's your fave holiday
  7. what pokemon element do you think you are
  8. are you a dog or cat person
  9. are you male or female
  10. how would people describe you

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Quiz topic: What pokemon am I
