Pokemon Alola Quiz

Hello, do you like Pokemon and Alola? Well i got the fun quiz for you! Put your Alolan knowledge into the test to see how much you can remember! It is okay to get lower scores too, it does not make you any less of a fan! ( Do not take the scores too seriously, this is for fun!!!!!)

Alola! You must be ready to take the quiz now, you can go ahead....Why are you still reading this? Oh, yeah... because there is a minimal amount of text you have to write. Oh well..GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN!

Created by: Pokemon Trainer
  1. Let's start with the very basics, shall we?Why did Ash travel to the Alola region?
  2. GREAT! Now, which ones of the starter Pokemon of Alola does Ash catch?
  3. Now, something different. What do you need in order to perform a Z-move? This can be tricky, so watch your answer.
  4. How can you obtain Z-crystals??
  5. You're doing great!Who opened the first noticed ultra-wormhole?
  6. Okay I know this may seem random but...Is Solgaleo, the legendary Pokemon of the sun a FIRE type or a STEEL type?
  7. Is Lunala, the legendary Pokemon of the moon Psychic, Dark or Ghost type?
  8. What is the first evolution of the legendary Pokemon Lunala and Solgaleo?
  9. What does the Pokemon Necrozma do in Alola?
  10. What is Lillies first Pokemon in the game?
  11. What is Lillies first Pokemon in the Anime?
  12. Who are the Island Guardians of Alola?
  13. Who is Nurse Joys partner Pokemon in Alola?
  14. Who's mother is Lusamine?
  15. What is your rivals name teehee

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