Who Are You in 1920s Germany?

In the 1920s and 1930s, Germany was ravaged by political instability, social crisis, and economic collapse. From the chaos of the 1919 Revolution to the Nazi seizure of power in 1933, Germany was embroiled in an ever-changing and increasingly unstable political scene, with the young republic challenged on all sides by communists, fascists, and many others.

Who would you be in 1920s/30s Germany? Would you be a weary republican, just hoping for the system to survive another day? an idealistic revolutionary with dreams of a better future? Or a sinister force, emerging from the darkness, waiting to plunge Germany into war once again...?

Created by: retouralanormale
  1. What is the greatest threat to Germany today?
  2. Should Germany attempt to reclaim its lost territories?(Danzig, Holstein, Memel, etc.)
  3. What should be done about the socialist strikes in the Rhine and Ruhr regions?
  4. Do you take inspiration from any period of German history? if so, which one?
  5. Should Germany attempt to join the League of Nations?
  6. How should we deal with the hordes of unemployed ex-soldiers who roam the streets?
  7. How should Germany attempt to escape the catastrophic economic situation caused by the Treaty of Versailles?
  8. Which foreign country do you look to for inspiration?
  9. Which German thinker do you most look to for guidance?
  10. German Chancellors generally rule by decree through emergency powers due to the instability of the Reichstag. How should this be rectified?

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