The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate.
I got obese which is the reality. I am 5 feet 6 inch and 80 kg. Other body parts are ok but my belly is huge.It carries almost 1/3 weight of my body. My waistline is 42 inch and I have 4 huge fat rolls.All XXl shirts are tight and in some buttons are popping now I need XXXl shirts ,so please suggest me ways to lose weight.
Diet - restrict the food groups you eat
Exercise - take up a sportGastric Bypass - I dont really know about this one
I'm trying to gain weight (and struggling) the quiz was right I'm close to overweight but not quite there, (girl 13 5'5 130)
I'm 88% nearly over weight. Should I gain the 2.1 pounds that I want to? Or will that make me fat???? I'm 58.4 kilos and 4'8 feet. Plz tell! If u say no I'm gaining 10 kilos instead
Gain it, but in muscle
Really starting to get big, yep agreed
Underweight. Makes sense, I have anorexia but sometimes eat.
You claim to have anorexia and eat. Your name is Suicidal-teen. I think youre just an oh so special emo kid who faked depression because no one likes him. Hell, you probably draw cuts on your wrists
I got really starting to get big which is true I'm about 20 pounds overweight :(
I got overweight which is true
Really starting to get big.
Hooray yay yay -
honestly this test made me feel good about my body and i thank whoever made this for having a sense of humor <3
- me (Female)
Lyla1 -
Look, I get 87% perfect, but 70% way too underweight? Im 6ft2 and 209 pounds. I play rugby and have trained in Jujitsu for 2 years
Im obese, but I got overweight. Great. At least I seem like Im not 25 pounds over the average for my age.
I weight 6 stone and I my height is between 4ft8 and 5ft. Is my weight perfect for my height or not ? If you think its not then tell me why .
Aaisha1 -
Snuffs, you are extremely underweight. You should be around 110 m pounds.
meowzart1 -
I got close to overweight. Maybe I am. This quiz made me feel like crap. I don't think I want to eat anymore. I am 5'8" 119 pounds.
I think thats underweight
Lil hihi, if youre 11, and your height is 4'11" and you weigh 85 pounds youre a pretty average girl. My sister is skinnier than that and she does sports tho.
Kylene941 -
Close to overweight. Thank goodness! I thought my results would say I'm fat. (I guess my diet is working)
Perfect ya
This quiz is very innacurate lol. it said i am overweight because i answered that i eat alot. i am 4'10 and 85 pounds, so i dont think im fat, i just have a rather large apetite. based on my measurments, what do yall think?
Why is everyone on here either:
A. A kid with made up stats
B. Morbidly obese and loving it
C. Stick thin and wanting to lose -
Somehow I got obese. I mean I weigh 200lbs so maybe Ill be obese in the future
How tall are you? If youre 5 foot then 200 pounds would be fat. If you were 6 foot, then it wouldnt
Im 14 years old, 5'2 and 190 pounds. I think im fat but people tell me i look thick and around 140 or 130 pounds. Do i really seem fat?
I got close to overweight. I’m real life, I am a couple pounds overweight but I look pretty average
Oneonta1 -
Really starting to get big. I hate being fat-68 large rolls.
SoBig1 -
77% close to over weight? I'm 10. I weigh 133 pounds and it says I'm 'close' to over weight? I'm almost obese!
How tall are you? 133 is overweight for 5 foot, average for 5 foot 6 and underweight for 6 foot. Also you spell too well to be 10