The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate.
Im overweight
nicolas1 -
Close to overweight. Im 14 and 90 that overweight because im not really fat...just like to eat...when im bored...
it says im perfect but idk ahah im 55 and 106 pounds, apparently that is slightly underweight however i look pretty chubby so ://
mikomiko1 -
I. bed bound this quiz inspired me to get even fatter
Well just go at your own pace
im 14, 106 pounds, and im 5 foot 2,, am i fat for my age. i feel like s--- when i eat and have been trying to not eat somedays but i dont know what else to do,, does anyone have any tips on loosing weight??
Gurl you are under weight stop doing that to yourself you are injuring you're body when you are hungry eat also breakfast is the most important meal of the day pls don't starve yourself
Bro you dont have to lose weight at all
bad grammar
*Bad. Ironic
i got underweight
Getting very big the way my bf wants me
Your boyfriend is messed up
Idk how to feel about myself... I'm a 13 year old female and weigh around 170 lbs and am 5 ft 2 in... I need to lose a lot.
You might lose weight with puberty. I did
I’m a female. 5’5 ft. I’m 17. I’m 340 lbs. I’m a considered a little overweight? I haven’t been to the doctor for a while. Please help.
You are over twice the average weight. This means you are considered hyper obese. You need to lose 195 pounds to become average again
im 13 5'2 and a girl im 89lbs says im perfect idk i have a bit of extra fat id like to lose but my friends and family think im fine
meganb1 -
I got perfect. I'm 5'10" and weigh 150 pounds.
Seems reasonable
I'm 13 and 5.2 at 143lbs. I got overweight, I've been gaining a lot so it makes sense to me.
Beehive1 -
This is the stupidest quiz eva bro1!!! Get a flippen life you spastik. Go back to school or call the reading writing hotline: 1300655506 :)
That is so obviously a virus or something
This is the stupidest quiz eva bro1!!! Get a flippen life you spastik. Go back to school or call the reading writing hotline: 1300655506 :)
523451 -
You are way too underweight! 77%
wtf im not underweight im ok. jeez who made this? im 5'7 and 80 pounds am i underweight?
Snuffs1 -
I got perfect! This isn't accurate! I am 14, 5'7" and 163 lbs. I do have a ton of muscle and eat well but still! lol.
i'm 5'5 and 116 lbs and it said i'm close to overweight... is that true? because i came out of this feeling worse than i did before haha
2241pm1 -
Close to overweight? I'm 5'7 and 131lb...Is this quiz even accurate???
I got really starting to get big
yeah I eat a lot... -
I'm way too underweight. I'm 5'2, and I weigh 59 pounds. Uhm, any advice?
Morbidly obese I weigh 856 pounds and I'm bead bound i would not recomend this for any one it's horible
I used to be borderline obese, crossed the line a couple of times. That was bad enough
Lmao I'm close to overweight I weigh 125 MAYBE IF I DIDNT LOVE FOOD SO MUCH UGH oh well at least I got a booty
way to underweight
Perfect :D