The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate.
I am ALMOST overweight but not overweight and only bullies call me fat but my friends say Im skinny
This is horrible. Im so self conscious and this just made me feel even less of myself! Like, these are such sad questions
Jessii1 -
98% morbidly obese. Rigging the answers and picking the ones to make it say Im fat seemed to help me get this result
Course itll do that if you rig the answers. Goose some weight you 98% obese a--hole
I didn't think about this much before, but I feel almost above average was correct for me.
I got underweight. True. I am actually bony and skinny. (And I hate how skinny I am.)
This quiz is really accurate
I got overweight, wasn't expecting that, but it makes sense... I basically just sit in my room all day on my laptop.
i'm 5'7, 13, and for some reason im really strong but i dont go to the gym or anything. i also weigh 198.2 pounds but am on a diet and started at 209 pounds. my mum is 5'2 and my dad is 6'2. i'm also extremely athletic and can run pretty fast.
Same here. I built up s----tons of muscle when I started Jujitsu at 11 and rugby at 13. Im 62 210 pounds and 12% body fat
I don’t know if I’m fat or not. I’m in my school’s band, and I devote more time to practicing than exercising. I’m doing marching band next year, so that might keep me healthy.
I am 245 lbs and 15 also I am 5'6 am people say I am fluffy and a little thick I just have a lot of muscle and everyone says I do not look 245 lbs.
Id have said 245 is more than a little thick at 5ft6
*To previous comment* No, I am 5'4" (possibly an inch or two taller its been a while since I was at doctor) and 145 pounds. Doc says I am fine. So yeah, your fine too.
I am 13 years old 5 feet 3 in and I weigh 99 pounds it says I am overweight I don't know what to think about my body. I think I could probably lose a couple pounds.
Lol I got close to over weight and I'm 5 5 and 210 I feel like this isn't accurate but so many people say I don't look more than 150 so idk
I'm 13 but stronge and as tall as my dad and a average adult and workout forming a six pack but overwieght?? People think I'm 150 but I'm really 180-190
I feel you. Im 14, 6 foot 2 and 210 pounds. Im considered Overweight by BMI. But I dont look overweight as its all muscle. I can lift a 475-pound tree for crying out loud! BMI is a rough guide to weight, take your waist measurements for more accurate stuff
dude i wouldn't take this quiz because its just a piece of junk if you wanna know how much you weigh.... go to the docter. i mean like really this is just a quiz it can't tell you your futer.....i mean why would you even make this quiz and what if someone got overweight that would make them feel bad so just don't listen to the person who made this quiz if your reading this DONT LISTEN TO THEM THEY DONT REALLY KNOW ITS JUST A BUNCH OF STUPID ANSWEARS!!!!
Alex44651 -
I got close to overweight. This isnt accurate at all, like I have a small fat belly yes and and I have meaty legs but my legs are 45% muscle from horse riding. Also some of the questions in this quiz dont make sense.
I am 15 male 5’9 and weight 76 lbs but it said I was severely underweight and told me I was just as bad as morbidly obese but I don’t think I’m under weight I think I’m really fat...🤷♂️
Youre anorexic then. Im not a psychiatrist so I cant tell for sure but 5ft9, 76lvs and wanting to lose weight sound like anorexia to me
I'm 11 years old and I got obese. I can see why though because I try to get as fat as possible. I guess it's working. I'm so happy with this result!
Fat dude1 -
I'm 14 (15 in like a month) and 6'5, 230. Im guessing most of my weight is muscle since I barely have a stomach, and I'm not "flabby" anywhere else.
Same here. Im 14, 6ft 2 and 210 and Ive got firm muscles and Im just so strong
It says I'm perfect but I am 5'2 13 years old and 100 pounds and everyone says I look anorexic is this normal?
Sws21121 -
I got overweight
I got very underweight :(
This is very accurate
ivypants1 -
Hey zaza you probably answered the questions wrong if your skin and bones your not obese.
I'm 5'4 and 175 pounds i feel bad about myself at some times but idk i try to eat healthy but it just ends up with me gaining more whight what should i do pleaseee helpppp