Ausername1230's Profile

Joined on Mar 24, 2021
Status Level: Novice
Ausername1230's Quizzes
- How well do you know me?[published: Apr 11, 2021, 1 comment]
Ok so this quiz is to see if you know me at all and yeah that’s all I got to say it’s pretty self……
Ausername1230's Recent Posts
"Mac’n’ cheese"
Ausername1230's Recent Quiz Comments
1 -
"You're Callie! 66%
resultCongratulations, you are the pink, cheerful Squid Sister who's return in Splatoon 2 has been…"
2 -
"Your Result: Paranoia 40%
You are constantly thinking about what others may be saying about you behind your back. You may also…"
1 -
"Yellow represents happiness and hope. You are enthusiastic and optimistic, but you can also have high expectations. Dont be too…"
2 -
"Same but Im a Leo"
In response to KrazyGirl765:
"Your Result: Wolf 81%
resultYou are…"
1 -
"You are a sun dragon! Perhaps the most hotheaded of all of the dragon types, you need anger management classes! Also, you are the most…"
1 -
"Skyclan 18%
resultAgile and creative, Skyclan warriors are fierce in battle and outstanding hunters due to their ability to…"
1 -
"You Score Is NotBad ! 70% 70%
A Good Minecraft Player Who Can Or Has Beater The Ender dragon ! (A MINECRAFT VETERAN ! ) NOT GOOD…"
2 -
"I need braces"
1 -
"It said Pisces but Im a Leo-"