Aaisha's Profile

Joined on Mar 17, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Aaisha's Recent Quiz Comments
"Hi . Is my weight healthy for my height ? My height is between 4ft8 and 5ft . My weight is 6 stone . 81 pounds ."
In response to Zaza:
"The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very…"
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"Do you think my weight is good for my height . I weight 6 stone and my height is between 4ft8 and 5ft."
In response to bellamo6719:
"it said im perfect but "close to overweight"…"
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"I weight 6 stone and I my height is between 4ft8 and 5ft. Is my weight perfect for my height or not ? If you think its not then tell me…"