Sleep over challenges (Boys only)

Are you having a sleepover? Are you bored? Are you in for some fun? While this is the perfect place! Take this quiz to see what you have to do! And no redos.

Everyone will get a challenge that they must follow until the sleep over ends. These challenges include, getting wedgied, burping a lot, farting, and going it in just undies!

Created by: Jake
  1. How immature are you?
  2. How much do you like wedgies?
  3. Is underwear funny
  4. Are burps and farts funny
  5. How do you feel about physical comedy
  6. Do you have a beer gut?
  7. Do you like the smell of other peoples farts?
  8. What kind of underwear are you wearing?
  9. Do a quick burp competition, what place did you come in?
  10. How gassy are you

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