are you an Introvert Or an Extrovert?

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Hello! 👋 This was To see If you are a Introvert or a Extrovert, The secret is A secret:)Abcdefghijklmvuopwqertsnxyz now I know my ABC's So Next time why don't you sing with me?

This was made for Entertainment TbhPls don't judge I just Cannot understand the new Settings of Making a new quiz:( I Have made 4 Quizzes in Different accounts

Created by: Tala
  1. Heya there!Ready to Start the Quiz?
  2. Do you tend to be More quiet and reserved?
  3. Do you Get tired from Social interactions?
  4. Do you have a Small group of friends?
  5. Do you tend to be Shy and have Social anxiety?
  6. Do you Pay attention to detail?
  7. Do you Not Post Often on Social Media?
  8. Is your Phone Always on 'Do not Disturb mode'?
  9. Do you hardily Speak to anyone when Meeting them For the First time?
  10. Do you Always Ask your Friend to ask Someone else for something?
  11. Are you often told That you're a good listener?
  12. Do you tend to Be talk Less when With Others but Tend to be VERY talkative with friends?

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Quiz topic: Am I an Introvert Or an Extrovert?
